“In a lot of ways Sky were ahead of their time, but the system just wasn’t capable of making a decent Worms game. “I almost forgot about this one,” says producer Mark Baldwin. We’re going to have to go full oral history! The service was discontinued in 2006 and as far as we can tell there are no surviving screenshots or video available.
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Now this one’s going to be pretty tricky to look back on! This little known version of Worms was developed exclusively for “Sky Gamestar”, a pay-per-play service for UK-based digital TV viewers that allowed them to play a simple version of Worms using their TV remote. Year: 2002 | Developer: Team17/Babel Media | Publisher: Sky| Format: Sky Digital If you love puzzle games and want to play as an old lady in a bobble hat, paddling about in a boat, then this is probably the only game in history that’s going to do it for you! Some bemoaned that it had little to do with traditional Worms gameplay, while others conceded that it was nevertheless a fun arcade puzzler with some nice ideas of its own and an attractive cartoon aesthetic. Worms Blast ultimately split fans down the middle. The development team of Worms Blast, as they appear in the credits. The programmer had designed an elaborate AI system for the fish swimming about and it nearly killed the whole multiplayer experience!” Turns out it was the fish AI that was messing up the performance. “We were trying to track down why the framerate game would slow down almost to a crawl after a few minutes in multiplayer,” says Baldwin. Those fun fish did create at least one headache for production, however. “They had to be made incredibly efficiently the smallest fish were only ten polygons and still they animated! My favourite creature was the kraken, which would bubble up from the depths to harass the player in their boat and drag them down if you didn’t take prompt action.” “I was very happy on that one, having all the 3D modelled sea creatures to make,” says Little. Worms Blast was also the last game artist Rory Little worked on before leaving for Japan to work on Shadow Of The Colossus.

Amiga fans might recognise the unlockable character in the centre. I also think that this is where certain designers’ love for puns got a hold, with level names like “This game does dragon” being a fave.” Grant Towell, Kev Carthew and John Eggett all created amazing things in the game with very limited tools.

“I did the game design document and then when it came around to putting the game into production, we had a bit of a staff shortage, so I got asked if I wanted to work in production too! I was really proud of how creative our designers were and that’s sort of become a hallmark of Team17. “I loved working on this game,” says Mark Baldwin who was both assistant producer and lead designer on Worms Blast. Year: 2002 | Developer: Team17 | Publisher: Ubisoft | Format: Game Boy Advance, GameCube, Mac, PC, PS2Ī spin-off the successful Worms formula, Blast took inspiration from arcade puzzle games like Taito’s Bust-a-Move/Puzzle Bobble, but with the added artillery twist of Worms’ aiming mechanic. Read on to hear their behind the scenes stories, catch up with the previous chapter on 1999-2001 or start right at the beginning in 1991. In this chapter, covering 2002-2004, we have four very different Worms games. Welcome to the latest chapter in our 100 th game celebration, marking the release of PLANET ALPHA, in which we’re taking a look back at each of those 100 games and speaking to the people who made them.